Education Projects
Annual Girl Rising Campaigns
The students at Crossover International Academy recently completed an inspiring celebration of International Day of the Girl. Empowering women and educating women is one of the United Nations Millennium Goals, which are a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all of the world’s leading development institutions. The Millennium Goals were established to help meet the needs of the world’s poorest. Educating women has proven to be one of the best solutions to ending poverty.
Shared Projects
The Crossover connection sprang from a vision, that students (at any location, in any circumstance) could learn issues more deeply when they hold personal implications, and that global issues are local issues.
Both Jim Conti and Dave Yayravi believed it to be true.
Working in collaboration with students from dramatically different circumstances can help translate concepts into real-life problems to be solved, and it can open minds that have been limited by simple lack of exposure. Wings for Crossover hopes to aggressively expand the scope of subjects and projects that are researched, debated, and potentially implemented by the students of Crossover International Academy through collaboration.
And in order to do this, it must be able to maintain digital communication.
Every year, students from Crossover recite poems with students in the US. Poetry and story telling is an important part of the culture at Crossover. An example assignment is where students choose a poem they relate to, recite the poems, and learn for the lessons in the poem. The Crossover kids are amazing at reciting poems!